Custom feed update inverval (Continuation)

Continued Custom feed update inverval - Tiny Tiny RSS: Community

I’m sorry, but I didn’t get enough information to finish the Topic

I studied the question on the forum before my question and found this:

  1. Feed update interval under 15 mins - Tiny Tiny RSS - Tiny Tiny RSS: Community
    I have given reasons that updating an interval of more than 15 minutes may be useful in some situations

  2. Custom intervals - Development - Tiny Tiny RSS: Community
    I agree that minimalism and simplicity are very important things in UI, but unfortunately they can limit functionality:/
    As for me, the feature is useful, since many rss clients have it

Usually, for things like functionality that is usually not needed, but sometimes useful, there are plugins, I may try to develop one when I study how it works

Sorry again for repeating, and thank you for such a program

when your topic gets closed, this should be enough of a hint.

What you want isn’t a news reader. You want a dashboard or something else. If you want to fit a square peg in a round hole; don’t be surprised when the author doesn’t help. You could just as easily say you wanted a MS-Word macro to update the document contents every minute … makes just as much sense.

What you need is a webpage that keeps the connection open and dynamically refreshes the content; not an alteration to an application totally outside the realm of your intended use. Try chrome/firefox with the automatic refresh plugin.

Fox must be in a good mood since I haven’t seen you banned for life for opening a second thread to the one he closed. :man_shrugging: