Failed Database Migration to 147

After installing the new version via packages on FreeBSD 13.1 with Mysql 8.0.31 and Php 8.1 I have this error:

"[21:59:40/43314] Starting migration to 147…
[21:59:40/43314] Failed on line: create fulltext index ttrss_entries_title_search_idx on ttrss_entries(title)
[21:59:40/43314] Migration failed: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1061 Duplicate key name ‘ttrss_entries_title_search_idx’`

One of migrations failed. Either retry the process or perform updates manually."

Can you help me?

Also: you’re using an unsupported configuration (host install, MySQL, etc.). Consider switching to the supported approach.

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i think there’s enough information here to solve this issue, anyone else replying with “me too, plz halp” is going to be probated.

I can’t use the supported approach because I have not Linux as OS. I use FreeBSD that is not Linux.
Thank you for the link.