Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.0.0"

After todays git update the following error occurs:

[01-Aug-2022 05:20:50] WARNING: [pool rss] child 507114 said into stderr: “NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version “>= 8.0.0”. You are running 7.4.30. in /var/www/tt-rss/vendor/composer/platform_check.php on line 24”

Running on Debian 11

My solution was to spend all together too much time compiling 8.1.8, what a nice surprise. :expressionless:

Yeah, unfortunately Ubuntu only ships with PHP 7.4. The docs still state that this should be enough. But then again, host installations are not supported, which really is a shame. Docker cannot be used on any VPS.

Yup, as of commit 26c67dba7 I’m seeing browser error ‘Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version “>= 8.0.0”.’ Un-enabling the readabilty plugin doesn’t help.

Backed to commit 4aefbd628 for now…

btw, self-hosted ubuntu server 20.04.4 LTS, PHP 7.4.3.




Docker cannot be used on any VPS.

Yeah it can, I’m happily running in docker on a VPS. Perhaps you mean shared hosting?

this can be reverted if its phpstan update, if not i guess 8.0 is going to be the new baseline.

remember, your host installs are not supported.

Apparently it’s caused by an unneeded update during forking idiorm [1]. thecodingmachine/safe is updated to 2.2.1, which requires PHP >= 8.0, while older thecodingmachine/safe is still compatible. Have no idea why the issue does not appear until today.

By the way, upstream idiorm released a new version, so the fork may not be needed anymore.

oh im not going to change idiorm back just because they decided to finally wake up, as far as im concerned upstream is dead.

thanks for investigating this.

Had to deal with that suprise yesterday as weell :frowning:
Guess I saw it coming and did expect it to happen some time following discussions here.
There are plenty guides to update this via 3rd party repository.
I did update to PHP 8.1, worked like a charm after learned how to tell Apache to use 8.1 instead of 7.

this disables composer php version check.

Thanks for this!

OT: @fox What with all the unpleasantness going on in your part of the world at moment, just wondering how this is effecting monetary online donating to you at present?

my patreon works (thanks to payoneer), paypal is out.

I’ve used paypal in the past to contribute, so yeah, paypal sucks.

Ok, I’ll take a look at the patreon option. Thanks.
