Where can I find the breaking changes?

I’m using docker compose setup, with modifications for caddy server and security

Currently I am using the following docker image:

I wanted to update to the current version:

But as soon as I use the new image, I no longer get access to ttrss.
As soon as I revert to the old image, ttrss works normally.

Therefore, once again to my question, where can I find information about breaking changes, so that I can perform a working update?

WOW, i didn’t realize how toxic the community is here.
This project here will probably not be around much longer …

when there are actual breaking changes, i post heads up threads on this forum.

your situation as described i.e. “i decided to upgrade, something broke, and i’m not going to tell you what and why” does not necessarily constitute a breaking change.

if you want to be better informed about any other changes, there’s an RSS feed for tt-rss master commits.

if you need personal support, i don’t provide one, especially for passive-aggressive fuckwits much like yourself.

i hope that clarified things for you.