What HOOK for every article before it's inserted into the data base

I want to modify the guid and link of each article for specific feeds. Is there a plugin I can clone?

Hi, which is the use case you want to achieve?

In my own instance I changed a line in the classes/rssutils.php file to have each article identified uniquely to the feed:
from this: $entry_guid = "$feed_obj->owner_uid,$entry_guid";
to this: $entry_guid = "$feed_obj->owner_uid,$feed,$entry_guid";

I don’t believe there is a hook to achieve the same.

Yes, I’ve deduced that is one place I can make my changes. But I only need to do it for specific feeds. It would be nicer enable it on individual feeds. Kind of the way af_readability provides options in the “edit feed” windows.

I guess I’ll clone af_readability and play with that.