Watchtower Log Warning on nginx Update

I’m using stock cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static:latest setup, unmodified. Running TTRSS on Docker Desktop 4.28.0 on MacOS Sonoma 14.4. Tiny Tiny RSS v24.03-fea3089b.

Beginning on 2023-12-29 and continuing through today, my Watchtower log is reporting the following when processing updates:

2024-03-23 16:31:59 time=“2024-03-23T20:31:59Z” level=info msg=“Session done” Failed=0 Scanned=6 Updated=0 notify=no
2024-03-23 16:36:57 time=“2024-03-23T20:36:57Z” level=warning msg=“Could not do a head request for "cthulhoo/ttrss-web-nginx:latest", falling back to regular pull.” container=/ttrss-docker-web-nginx-1 image=“cthulhoo/ttrss-web-nginx:latest”
2024-03-23 16:36:57 time=“2024-03-23T20:36:57Z” level=warning msg=“Reason: registry responded to head request with "404 Not Found", auth: "not present"” container=/ttrss-docker-web-nginx-1 image=“cthulhoo/ttrss-web-nginx:latest”

Any thoughts on how to resolve this recurrent warning message?


I couldn’t get to the bottom of it but ttrss continues to update. Ended up adding WATCHTOWER_WARN_ON_HEAD_FAILURE: “never” to suppress the error

Many thanks for the response!!