Updater returns Error 77

I’m running a Tiny Tiny RSS instance on shared hosting. This problem is likely specific to my shared hosting setup.

I’ve been using this instance without any problem, until last Saturday the updater started returning Error 77 when trying to update feeds. The main TT-RSS interface still works well, but the updater stopped updating feeds returning that error for all of them. What does Error 77 mean, and where should I look to diagnose the problem?

This is cron task that updates the feeds:

/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/tt-rss.01/update.php --feeds

This is a fragment of the updater log indicating the error:

[14:00:02/29242] Base feed: http://www.google.com/appsstatus/rss/en
[14:00:02/29242] => Google Apps Status Dashboard (ID: 90, U: <username redacted> [2]), last updated: 2023-10-22 13:00:03
[14:00:02/29261] Lock: update_daemon-feed-90.lock
[14:00:02/29242] <= 0.3369 (sec) exit code: 100
[14:00:02/29242] !! Last error: ; 77

This is feed debugger log after Force Refetch:

16:19:45/6360 start
16:19:45/6360 running HOOK_FETCH_FEED handlers...
16:19:45/6360 feed data has not been modified by a plugin.
16:19:45/6360 local cache will not be used for this feed
16:19:45/6360 last unconditional update request: 2023-10-21 09:31:20
16:19:45/6360 maximum allowed interval for conditional requests exceeded, forcing refetch
16:19:45/6360 fetching http://tt-rss.org/forum/rss.php (force_refetch: 1)...
16:19:45/6360 fetch done.
16:19:45/6360 effective URL (after redirects): https://tt-rss.org/forum/rss.php (IP: <IP address redacted>) 
16:19:45/6360 server last modified: 
16:19:45/6360 unable to fetch: ; 77  [301]
  • Tiny Tiny RSS version (including git commit id):

Tiny Tiny RSS v23.08-e2ab00c (Unsupported)

  • Platform (i.e. Linux distro, Docker, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions:

some Linux 5.4.251-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64
PHP Version 7.4.33
PostgreSQL(libpq) 11.20

I wonder if that’s a CURL error?

Curl Error 77 is to do with SSL Certificate Chain problems - CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE (77)

[This is just me having a guess / fox etc please feel free to give me a shouting if random guesses aren’t encouraged]

As @tjh mentioned, it is curl error 77 (with the 301 indicating a HTTP redirect). You or your shared hosting provider will need to fix whatever system you’re using, as it’s nothing specific to tt-rss.

Thanks for the pointers. My next step would be trying to run curl http://example.com from the command line. I guess it would return the same error 77.

Unfortunately — or fortunately — they fixed their things before I could do that.

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