Ttrss-web-nginx: Container status "unhealthy"

About 2 weeks ago I did a fresh install. Ttrss runs fine and stable since. However, the ttrss-web-nginx container shows in the status column, e.g. currently: “Up 38 hours (unhealthy)”.

Is there something wrong with my setup/configuration or is the “unhealthy” to be ignored?

i think healthcheck is broken currently, don’t worry about it.

Thanks for quick feedback - good to know that it can be ignored.

Is the currently broken healtcheck related to the current docker version or to ttrss?

no idea yet. i’ve accidentally noticed that healthcheck failed a few days ago but haven’t got the time to look into this yet.

healthcheck is just a simple curl so it’s likely something trivial.

FWIW mine is showing up as healthy.

  • Building my own images (aarch64; latest nginx:alpine, PHP 8.3.2, etc.)
  • Docker version 24.0.7, build afdd53b
  • Docker Compose version v2.21.0

@pvoigt have you checked the logs after a (re)start yet (e.g. docker compose logs)?

edit: Also, are you customizing APP_BASE? If yes the healthcheck, which uses /tt-rss, is probably failing due to a HTTP 404.

yeah that’s likely it, i’m also using custom APP_BASE.

Thanks @wn_name for pointing into the right direction. Indeed, I am using APP_BASE= and logs are revealing return code 404 when accessing /tt-rss/index.php.

New images have been published, if you’d like to test things out.

Thanks for information about image update, @wn_name, container “ttrss-web-nginx” now show status “healthy”. This seems to be the corresponding commit:

A general question about ttrss updates: There are obviously no releases of ttrss. Is there a recommended way to get informed e.g. by email about new git repo commits? I am using email notifications of github to track various projects for new releases.

I subscribe to , and for it seems would be somewhat similar.

Also: it looks like GitLab has a notification system somewhat similar to GitHub, so if you register on you’d be able to configure notifications globally and at I’m not sure if that’d let you know about every commit/update that occurs, though, so the feed might be preferable.

there’s also

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