TTRSS_SELF_URL_PATH error after update

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After updating to the latest version of TT-RSS I’m no longer able access it. The error shown:
Please set SELF_URL_PATH to the correct value detected for your server…

Previously I was running a fairly recent version of ttrss without any issues, with the same settings.

TT-RSS is behind haproxy, which sends the proper url and proto (https).

My .env HTTP_PORT setting is:

Could this issue have something to do with this recent commit: make_self_url: properly strip out GET params?

Any help to fix this issue is appreciated.

have you tried setting it to the value it expects, which you decided to omit in your post?

is it the entirety of your .env file? if not, why mention something unrelated to your actual problem?

Yes I did.
Both the original value (https) and the one starting with http fail. Url has not changed for years.

No, this is obviously not the entire .env file. I included this as it seems it has something to do with the connection. And it is the connection that I’m having problems with.

i find it hard to believe that you put in SELF_URL_PATH literally as expected by sanity check, and still ran into that same exact sanity check.

anyway, you really don’t give me any information to go on. if you think that commit is what is breaking tt-rss on your mysterious SELF_URL_PATH, you’re welcome to git bisect and go from there.

alternatively, you’ll need to be way more verbose with providing information: what did the application expect, what did you configure and how, how did this change the situation or didn’t, maybe even with screenshots.

try to understand, i’m not getting paid here to pull information out of you. if you don’t want to be proactive, don’t post here.