TT-RSS on kubernetes

Hey guys,

I’ve been learning to deploy infrastructure on kubernetes and couldn’t find anyone who had already deployed TT-RSS on kubernetes so I decided to use this as a cool project to learn kubernetes.

For this I first setup a homelab kubernetes cluster using 3 Raspberry Pi 4, using GlusterFS for cluster aware storage, will eventually share the process I used to create the cluster, including the Ansible scripts I wrote for this.

Here is the repo with all my code:

I had to modify the nginx container to modify the nginx.conf with the name of the app container service which is only created when it is started by kubernetes.

All the containers were then built individually and pushed to my repository, these have only been built for ARM64, but I will be building x86-64 soon.

I also used the local-storage storage class which is mounting all volumes on the same directory and for some reason it deletes everything when the infrastructure is deleted, so I’m still working on making the storage persistant as well as separating the volumes for each pod.

Let me know what you guys think.

Best regards,
Antonio Correia