Trouble updating DB

I’m using docker, unmodified. I recently updated my docker instance, and when I went to log in, it asked me to update the DB schema from 145 to 147. Clicking the button generates the following error:

One of migrations failed. Either retry the process or perform updates manually.

After looking at the FAQ, it seems I should try running the php updater. So, after checking the forums, it seems like the best way to run this is:

docker-compose exec --user app app php8 /var/www/html/tt-rss/update.php --update-schema

Which then generates the following output:

[00:34:08/270] Lock: update.lock
[00:34:08/270] Type 'yes' to continue.

However, nothing seems to change, and it still brings me into the same updater window in the browser. It seems like I need to update via Postgres, but I’m unsure how to do that, and I haven’t been able to find an existing post on how to do this.

Can someone point me in the right direction? I’m unsure as to whether I’m running the php updater correctly, or how to update via Postgres. Any advice appreciated.

Nevermind, I was able to fix the problem by just following the instructions in the, namely:

1. Stop the containers: ``docker-compose down && docker-compose rm``
2. Update scripts from git: ``git pull origin static-dockerhub`` and apply any necessary modifications to ``.env``, etc.
3. Pull fresh images and start the containers: ``docker-compose pull && docker-compose up``

Hope this helps anyone else who gets the same issue.