Traefik is apparently phoning home

I know some people here are using it.

developers (?) are behaving rather interestingly evasive in comments too.

Thank you! That’s a worrying issue…

Last comment is more positive. But it seems to be an opt-out solution… Let’s wait’n’see.

We did wrong here in not making it visible enough


Didn’t they say they were doing something about it six months ago, and managed to fluff it up not do anything of much use?

This just in:

Adding an option to (de)activate Pilot integration into the Traefik dashboard

Odds on it not being accepted? :smiley:

yeah the cringeworthy part is the whole “oh why would you want it removed bro ooh hmm well we’ll think about it, maybe” routine

just own up to the fucking ad like a man, what is this wishy-washy shit

Nah. This:

[we don’t track you, honest guv. Pinky promise]*

* I might have paraphrased that slightly.

oh lol. i scrolled past that. yeah, this is the worst. :face_vomiting:

The change was merged.

However, it is true by default, because “That would be a breaking behaviour change, which we will try to avoid obviously (as we respect semver).

I don’t use traefik, but I don’t like this kind of argument either.

If only there was a predefined system for incrementing a version when there’s a breaking change. :thinking:

“we use semver but not really, also we’re not spying” :face_with_monocle: