The main dev of TTRSS just banned me for...not being able to fix a problem?

I can’t believe this. I posted an issue on this forum earlier today.

Fox, who I presume to be the main dev for TTRSS, just banned me, I presume, because of my lack of technical knowledge and inability to fix a problem.

How unprofessional is that? Instead of helping me fix the problem he…banned me. And locked the thread. I can’t wrap my head around how stupid that is. He/she obviously doesn’t care about his community.

Just fyi, I managed to fix the problem by getting help from other people who showed me how to successfully delete the container + volumes. I had to do it twice because the first time I restored it, I enabled OTP again and specified my email address, assuming that was what I did wrong the first time. I guess OTP is broken, or I’m missing something.

I don’t think there’s any community that I know of, besides perhaps GrapheneOS, where the lead developer themself would ban a user for not knowing how to use their app. That’s fucking nuts!

I’m posting this in the hopes at least one person sees it and understands what kind of person he/she is. That kind of behavior is completely unacceptable especially from the lead manager of a project. If a user is having issues with your app, you help them, or if you can’t help them, find someone else who can.

let’s keep this for posterity