Support for ppc64el?

Wanted to ask about support around ppc64el and docker. This is one of the main reasons why I am still using the unsupported ‘non-docker’ version, and I thought to ask about it here. I was able to fix the PHP 8.1 issue with idiorm, but this just seems like the ‘last straw’ for how TT-RSS is setup on my server.

I would be more than willing to build it for ppc64el if need be as I have a beefy server and have no problem with doing things like make a docker image or two. Any input on this would be awesome, as I would like to get on board with fox’s technology roadmap for 2023 and beyond.

It would also be nice to not have to run into weird bugs every time I decide to update my server…

Thanks for all the efforts and making this software top notch!

I run the “dynamic” docker setup on an unsupported architecture (ARM) and it seems to work fine for me.

Ah, should have searched further into ARM more. Just figured that there were some docker hub images of tt-rss with ARM support but wanted to ask about it anyway.

I will take a look at that and post back if I have any issues.


main problem with making non-amd64 docker images is that jenkins docker plugin which i’m using to build images declaratively doesn’t seem to support multiarch and i really don’t want to rewrite everything into ugly “docker build” shell snippets.