[Suggestion] Search all

I am often reading something and know there was an article somewhere that was relevant. I want to search all of my stored history. Today I have to select “My Feeds”, which pounds the database and sends back a screen, select search, enter my query, and it pounds the database again and sends back what I need. If you have a lot of feeds and keep history for a while, this can be inefficient. I’d suggest a checkbox on the search dialogue for “search all” which if checked does the search query on the “My Feeds” and returns results from there.

I’d also like to suggest that for the @{date} value the user can enter -N[dm] so -21d gets items from the last 21 days or -3m the last 3 months.

I haven’t looked at the code to confirm, but you can initiate your search right where you are, then go to all feeds; as you change the selected feed the search query is applied to the query. I usually use keyboard shortcuts: / enter the search query then g a to go to all.