Search for URL in article contents

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I often need to search for URLs or domain names in feed contents.

For example, I just added a filter to auto-mark as read articles containing in a certain category because I’m not interested in video posts for this category. No problem, Settings > Filters > Create filter > Add rule > v\.redd\.it on Content in MY_CATEGORY > Add action: Mark as read > Test > Filter works.

Now, I want to mark as read all previous articles matching this rule (because the filter will only be applied to articles fetched in the future, see Possibility to run (selected) filters manually). So I figured out the simplest way to do this would be searching for in All articles and scrolling down until there are no more unread items.

But the search returns no results. I’ve tried various combinations including escaping \. dots, switching the Language of the search, etc. without success. Searching for redd alone returns too many false positives.

Other times I’m simply trying to search for articles referring to a specific website/domain name and I have the same problem. Searching for e.g. seems to work when the text is present in the article content, but not for example when it is in the href= of a link but the link text is something else.

So how would I search for all articles that contain a link to


  • Tiny Tiny RSS version (including git commit id): master/89f5af62d8d6c71043eb855a333acaca333ef297
  • Platform (i.e. Linux distro, Docker, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions: Debian 12, php-fpm 8.2.7-1~deb12u1, postgresql 15.3-0+deb12u1

i’m afraid i have bad news:

tags are stripped in the text full text search index is generated from.

e: maybe something like this GitHub - soundasleep/html2text: A PHP component to convert HTML into a plain text format instead of strip_tags() would work better.

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if someone is feeling brave, here’s the feature branch pipeline with strip_tags() replaced with html2text:

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Thank for the reply fox, I will try to test the patch sometime soon.

Do you think it’s worth adding a new composer dependency just for this? It looks simple enough (420 lines of PHP) but not particularly actively maintained. But yeah, I don’t see any other solution.

I see the search index generation runs as part of update_rss_feed(), will already fetched articles be reindexed once the feed is fetched again with the patch applied?

why not? it’s a third party library, i’d like to have a uniform approach for those, if possible, instead of stuffing everything into lib/ or w/e like before. i’m using composer autoloader anyway so.

there used to be a CLI command to do that :thinking:

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there used to be a CLI command to do that

$ sudo -u tt-rss /usr/bin/php /var/www/ --help|grep index
  --gen-search-idx                                 generate basic PostgreSQL fulltext search index

:+1: I will report back once I get some time to test the patch. Thanks again


this needs to use html2text instead of strip_tags(). oops.


you will also need to drop existing index:

update ttrss_entries set tsvector_combined = null;
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i’ve tested it a bit, it seems to work correctly, so it’s in master now.

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Also works for me, well done. All links started being indexed after upgrading to the latest version.

As expected, searching for URLs did not return old articles, I’ve tried regenerating the index without dropping it first, as expected, no changes, and no old articles in search results:

$ sudo -u tt-rss /usr/bin/php /var/www/ --gen-search-idx
[15:34:37/52879] Lock: update.lock
Generating search index (stemming set to English)...
Articles to process: 0 (will limit to 500).
Processed 0 articles...
All done.

So I decided to drop and regenerate the index:

# slow disk, many articles
# takes about 7 minutes
$ sudo -u postgres psql --dbname=ttrss --command='update ttrss_entries set tsvector_combined = null;'
UPDATE 145233
# takes 4+ hours
[15:48:23/55432] Lock: update.lock
Generating search index (stemming set to English)...
Articles to process: 145233 (will limit to 500).
Processed 500 articles...
Processed 1000 articles...
Processed 1500 articles...
[... after a few hours ...]
Processed 601000 articles...
Processed 601500 articles...

As you can see it goes well over the initial article count (600k while it found 145233 articles to index when I ran the command) and never seems to finish. I can now find old articles in search results, but I’m not sure indexing is actually finished. So I decided to stop it and run it again:

$ sudo -u tt-rss /usr/bin/php /var/www/ --gen-search-idx
[19:10:43/133229] Lock: update.lock
Generating search index (stemming set to English)...
Articles to process: 144733 (will limit to 500).
Processed 500 articles...
Processed 1000 articles...

While it is still indexing I ran a few checks:

ttrss=# select count(*) from ttrss_entries;

ttrss=# select count(*) from ttrss_entries where tsvector_combined is null;
(1 row)

ttrss=# select count(*) from ttrss_entries where tsvector_combined is not null;
(1 row)

So (will limit to 500) implies that a maximum of 500 articles are indexed every time --gen-search-idx is run? If that is the case, how can I reindex all of the 145k articles? And what does the Processed N articles messages mean?

Edit: am now reading and trying to understand what is happening.

Edit2: I think there may be something wrong with loop in the indexing procedure. It seems to loop on the the first 500 selected items indefinitely.

Edit3: as a workaround I added a break; after the print "Processed $processed articles...\n"; line and will run the command in a loop until it finishes indexing everything (while true; do sudo -u tt-rss /usr/bin/php /var/www/ --gen-search-idx; done). You might want to check the loop, but anwyay thanks fox, very appreciated enhancement.

the loop might be entirely broken, i’ll make a note to take a look.