RSS Bridge with tt-rss

Describe the problem you’re having:

Using rss-bridge with tt-rss
rss-bridge is installed in a subfolder of tt-rss called rssbridge and works correctly

If possible include steps to reproduce the problem:

When attempting to update the feed, ttrss throws the following error (and the feed does not update):
Requested URL failed extended validation.

Worked until recent vulnerability fixes.

Sample url feed:

tt-rss version (including git commit id):

Platform (i.e. Linux distro, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions:
ubuntu 20.1
Linux localhost-u 5.4.0-48-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP
PostgreSQL 12.2

TT-RSS was recently updated to not download anything from localhost or any IP addresses. Try using the network IP instead and see if it works.

ok this was unexpected, tt-rss has stopped getting rss from my supporting apps

rssbridge, rsshub, morss, nitter, bibliogram

at least mercury-parser-api working, i wonder.

for example rsshub
internal docker: http://rsshub:1200/hackernews/ask/story (host:port - this was working)
external browser (LAN only): http://rsshub.domain/hackernews/ask/story
now tt-rss cant access internal url and for extenal url it says

Couldn’t download the specified URL: ; 28 Connection timed out after 15001 milliseconds

If you can, put the internal server on a standard port (80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS), the fetch_file_contents function has been restricted to only downloading from those ports because of security concerns. I re-read the commit log and I think you can access tt-rss locally on any address/port combo, but it won’t download anything (including feeds) from servers that are not on a standard port.

I tried naming the server (ttrss) instead eg: http://ttrss/rssbridge/?action=display&bridge=NasaApod&format=Atom in the hosts file.

I got ttrss to work, but the same error was reported. I was using the regular port 80.

I have tt-rss and rss-bridge in docker containers with nginx in front as a reverse proxy without any issues.

When subscribing to a feed I use the full domain and not the docker alias. The docker container resolves the domain as the server’s external IP address i.e.


I should also note that tt-rss and rss-bridge do not share the same docker network and I don’t have the network set to host.

short hosts are allowed, unless they resolve to loopback. URL hostname doesn’t have to be fully qualified. it has to be accessible for tt-rss, though. short hostname on a different docker network won’t be.


this isn’t a validation related error. check your docker networking / firewall.

Can there be a setting in config.php added to allow loopback for certain directories?


I face the same issue. I use a LAN IP address instead of the local loopback now.
For example in /etc/hosts:   myself-on-LAN

and then replacing any RSS subscription feed URL from http://localhost:1234/bridge.php[...] to http://myself-on-LAN/bridge.php[...]

Edit: By the way, I found out that using a host name such as “myself_on_LAN” (with underscore “_” characters) will make the “extended validation” fail (because of filter_var($url_filter_var, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) so don’t use them in your /etc/hosts file!

Here is how to update the fields in Postgresql:

UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET feed_url = REPLACE ( feed_url, 'localhost:1234', 'myself-on-LAN' );
SELECT feed_url FROM ttrss_feeds; //Display the results

Obviously this assumes a reverse proxy has been set up to forward requests on port 80 to the appopriate port.
Example for nginx:

server {
  listen       80;
  server_name  mylocalhost;
  location / {
    include proxy_params;

I find it a bit daft to have to hit a router/gateway in order to reach a locally hosted service (instead of going straight for loopback), but I’m no security expert nor sysadmin so I guess we have no choice here? Still very weird to me.

my docker container had external DNS, thats why it was not talking to each other. Added internal DNS too and issue was fixed

I set up tt-rss and RSS-bridge (rssbridge.userver.lan on a machine userver.lan with NPM installed) and both are working. When I am trying to subscribe to a feed from RSS-bridge, say,


I get an error message

Couldn’t download the specified URL: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: rssbridge.userver.lan (see libcurl - Error Codes) for … (feed url)

In FreshRSS subscription works just fine.

Are you running both in Docker containers? Are you able to subscribe to Internet-based feeds? tt-rss doesn’t have anything to do with DNS resolution, so you may need to adjust something.

Both answers are “yes”, and I fixed the DNS, thanks to your question/comment (a rather silly mistake of mine).