Published feed from old instance only contains 60 articles

I want to migrate from my old self-hosted installation with MySQL on Gentoo with code from 20220218 to the new docker-compose setup.

The new instance in docker is running fine and I have imported feeds and settings.

Now I’d like to have my starred articles on the new instance.

I cannot install the migration plugin on the old instance (installation from the UI does not finish) and I think I would not be able to use it anyway because the database schemas will not match.

So, I have marked all my starred articles as “publish” and wanted to import the published feed from the old instance into the new instance.
Problem is, I have 929 starred/published articles, but the published feed from the old instance only contains 60 articles.

Any hints or suggestions on why only 60 or about an alternative route would be greatly appreciated.

you should be able to do something like ?limit=1024 although there could be a max value.

however, i suggest using data_migration anyway. install it manually and try making a dump. schema match is more of a suggestion.

if schema becomes a problem you can try updating on the host to matching version and then migrate to docker. host installs still work.

if something doesn’t work, post here, i’ll try to help. i made the plugin specifically for cases like this one.

Very cool, thank you!

Indeed, adding the limit parameter fetches all of the published articles. So, that will be my fallback solution.

OK, I will give the plugin installation on the old instance another try and then report back. Upgrading the old instance to the newest code could be a challenge because of the PHP version, but I’ll check that also.

I managed to install the migration plugin into the old instance and run it and now I have the zip file.

I also was able to run the import on the new instance, but got the schema error:
batch has incorrect schema format version (expected: 147, got: 146

You mentioned that schema match is more of a suggestion. Can I make the import ignore the schema mismatch? Or would that be too risky?

I don’t know yet if I can get update the old instance to the newest code.

i’ve added an option to ignore all version differences on import:

try it.

That worked!
imported 26752 (out of 27726) articles, created 0 feeds.

The not imported articles were probably duplicates, I guess.

But I will redo it from scratch anyway at the weekend with stopped updaters, so that everything is perfectly in sync.

Thanks for the quick help. I am glad I can continue to use TT-RSS, using it since 2013. :slight_smile: