Problem with access to RSS feed behind proxy

Hello all!

I installed ttrss docker in local network behind corporative proxy. The proxy denies POST requests for external https links. So, when I try to add feed like

, I got error " 28 Connection timed out after 15000 milliseconds". Anywhere, when run request


from bash it works perfectly and returns XML-formatted RSS. Is there any setting in ttrss to workaround the problem?

WBW&R, Grigory.

making a plugin with HOOK_FETCH_FEED would be the easiest, i think.

What does POST have to do with GET-ting feeds? Sounds like php isn’t setup w/ proxy parameters to me. (?)

Sorry, couldn’t you explain your idea with more details (for newbie)?

Maybe you could try searching yourself: LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You ?

As I wrote above “curl” works with RSS url directly without “bypass” proxy. My corporate firewall denies POST requests for all outer https URL . And I have no special proxy for bypass this filter.
I tried the case with simple handler of HOOK_FETCH_FEED, but it silently not works in my case. Although it’s name displayed in Preferences->Plugins with warning like “Some plugins utilize global per-feed content hooks”, but no errors, no functionality. Trace debugging with error_log for $fetch_url produced nothing.
Anyway, thanks for your help!

Ttrss should be doing get not post.
If your feed is special (somehow??) And is doing post them your curl test is bad and is not testing using post.

how would this firewall (or a proxy? i’m not sure) determine http request type over SSL, unless, of course, you are being MITMed with a fake root certificate.

“i wrote some code that doesn’t work but i’m not going to show it”

This wouldn’t entirely surprise me with a corporate proxy, where the company might have its own private root CA so they can monitor traffic.

This seems surprisingly stupid to me, there’s quite a bit of legitimate use for HTTP POST requests outside an intranet.

Based on the direction of this thread, I’m going to suggest you take some time to learn a bit more about this stuff before proceeding. The complexity of the issue you’re experiencing is not something people here can really solve without some more information and it doesn’t seem like you’re able to implement the solutions that have been provided. There’s no shame in being a newbie, but there are several examples of TT-RSS plugins available.

i suspect that he means http CONNECT, blocking that makes some amount of sense, at least.