PHP 7.4 has reached "end of life" (kinda)

Just a heads-up to those not already aware: yesterday (2022-11-28) PHP 7.4 reached end of life-- at least with the upstream project (Debian, etc. will be maintaining their versions longer).

So what are the implications of this? Will tt-rss stop working for those who are on PHP 7.4? I run a Git installation of tt-rss on Debian with PHP 7.4.

First, fox is the guy in charge :slight_smile: My post intentionally didn’t state anything regarding tt-rss, based upon prior related discussions. I suspect there might be people running tt-rss on distros where PHP 7.4 won’t keep getting security updates, however, thus this post.

Currently, tt-rss should work on PHP 7.4 through 8.2, regardless of installation method. That said, the officially supported approach (for quite some time now) is a containerized environment. There are ways to run container images (or use PHP > 7.4) on all current OS, so my personal opinion is that anyone staying with OS-installed PHP 7.4 to run tt-rss can just stick with an older tt-rss version (let Debian/whoever backport to old PHP versions, if they want), and that tt-rss should keep moving forward-- at least to the minimum version supported by the PHP project, since it won’t matter to those using the officially supported approach. Whether or not 7.4 compatibility gets kept isn’t my call, though.

Whether or not 7.4 compatibility gets kept isn’t my call, though.

Yes, sure. I only asked because you seemed to be aware of possible scenarios.

The officially supported approach … is a containerized environment.

Of course. I just see no reason to switch to Docker until something breaks in my long-time stable installation.

Based upon Some PHP 8.1 news - #5 by fox my guess would be 7.4 compatibility sticks around for a while longer.

one thing you people need to be aware of is that i don’t do any testing whatsoever on unsupported setups, i.e. ancient php, mysql, you name it. so if something breaks or we simply start using new language constructs baseline might easily move to 8.0 or 8.1 or whatever else we deem necessary, as long as alpine ships it.