Noob guide - fresh install help

is there a guide for a complete beginner? while i’m not a new user to tt-rss… i’ve used it for over a decade, but i screwed up my tt-rss install some years ago and got to frustrated when i tried to install it using the new(er) docker method instead of just a manual install. so i’ve not had tt-rss running for some time. i’m starting over. fresh

i’ve been using a combo of google and chatgpt/gemini for help but i keep going in a loop. i don’t know where to put the .env file and i don’t even know what version of docker to install.

some guides say “docker-compose” and some say “docker compose” and even know and some guides say to use certain docker images that now show a depreciated warning or a 404 error.

so, ignore all that. just setting a foundation of what i’ve been through. i’ve already stood up and destroyed a half a dozen servers, every time starting fresh…

the tt-rss offical instructions are super lacking for entry level users.

if i just want a simple tt-rss hosted on digital ocean with nginx for reverse proxy and ssl… where do i begin? i’m so lost.

i created a ttrss folder in my home directory. i cd to there and created the .env (and filled it out) and i created the docker-compose.yml file. docker-compose up -d went well… then nothing. if i go to the url - nothing - welcome to nginx

please help. i miss tt-rss :frowning:

I’m not an expert, couple of days ago I scratched my head with same question, but after some trial&error I did a fresh install on Debian.

sudo apt install docker-compose
mkdir ttrss
cd ttrss

Copy/paste the content of .env from and customize it:

vi .env

Copy/paste the content of docker-compose.yml from and customize it:

vi docker-compose.yml

Update Apache (my case) or nginx according to and restart Apache/nginx:

sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo docker-compose up -d

Wait for column STATUS is Up on all containers and try to navigate to your tt-rss site:

sudo docker ps

I haven’t put certificates, but just copy the file to some path and customize according to same then restart containers:

sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker-compose up -d

And you’re ready to go.

To update images you should:

sudo docker-compose pull
sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker-compose up -d

Edit: formatting text