Next_article_noexpand and other things

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I’m new to Tiny Tiny RSS and looking to switch from Inoreader.
I’m writing a simple plugin to change some of the hotkeys; I’d like a compact view and articles should not expand when selected.
Other enabled plugins are: auth_internal, hotkeys_swap_jk, nginx_xaccel, note.

Here’s my plugin (relevant code):

$hotkeys['n'] = 'next_article_noexpand';
$hotkeys['p'] = 'prev_article_noexpand';
$hotkeys['o'] = 'toggle_expand';

My first issue is only an annoyance, as I found a workaround:
In combined view, pressing n and p actually expands the article (is this a bug?).
It works correctly in three-pane view, so if I only use hotkeys it’s fine. Clicking on an article brings up the third pane, of course.

toggle_expand description is Toggle article expansion (combined mode), which sounds exactly like what I’d want, but it doesn’t seem to be working in either combined or three-pane view.
I see the console message keyeventToAction o => toggle_expand so it’s mapped correctly. a q closes the article correctly but then doesn’t reopen it (as no article is selected after I close one).

Another minor issue I noticed is that I’d like to use f for toggle_mark, but f is the first of many hotkey chords, so it waits for a second keypress. Should I try to unset all the other f actions?

Thank you for your help!

  • Tiny Tiny RSS version (including git commit id): v23.10-45a9ff0c
  • Platform (i.e. Linux distro, Docker, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions: Docker on Linux

_noexpand is exclusive to three-panel. internally, i think, in combined mode, expanded article is the one considered to be active, so no expand = no anchor.

yep, if you rebind all chorded hotkeys which have this prefix, it should become available.

the way to test is calling (F12 console) App.getInitParam("hotkeys") js method

Thank you! I’ll do without combined mode then :slight_smile:
Do you have any idea why toggle_expand is not working in combined mode?

there’s actually two combined modes, one is always expanded.

What do you mean? I don’t understand when toggle_expand is supposed to work, right now it’s not working in either mode for me.

there’s an expanded and not always expanded combined mode (i know, i know…) and a hotkey which toggles between those.

in my defense i’ve tried several times to axe one of those two.

How do I activate the not-always-expanded combined mode?