Moving to PSR-4 class autoloader

i’ve decided to drop custom autoloader for main tt-rss classes and switch to psr-4 autoloader provided by composer since we’re already using it anyway, so…

so far it’s a flat list of classes to be compatible with previous naming but this might be reorganized a bit better in the future.

it’s a bit of a monstrous diff which might cause bugs because frontend endpoints used to be case-insensitive because the loader was case-insensitive but now it’s not, so something might be broken.

i’m going to dogfood this branch for a while and we’ll see if it gets into master.

No issues so far, aside from needing to switch op from pluginhandler to PluginHandler in one of my plugins.

oh yeah i found that one too :slight_smile:

i’m merging PSR-4 into master. :tada:

The fever plugin needed some minor changes, but is now updated to support the new file structure.