Migrating Schema Resets DB?

fox, i hope you dont get mad, because I have been using ttrss since very early stages and have been using it self host/self install method. So long as it works i don’t touch it. and if i touch it, i found my way up until today. I have done it before (php update.php --update-schema) and i remember, it was working in the past.

I was gathering all my websites to my server and moved ttrss along with db setup everything but when i do update schema it just drops everything and starts fresh. I have accumulated numerous articles and starred them so i dont lose, so i dont want to start fresh.

Is there any way to fix this? Without resetting db?

This is php 8.3 with mariadb, nginx on windows server

Just to state the obvious: that setup is very unsupported (especially due to Windows).

I’d recommend providing much more detail-- what you started with and what you moved to (tt-rss commit, PHP and MariaDB versions, etc.), exact steps taken and the output you see, etc.

yeah, sorry, i’m not going to bother with whatever is that you’re trying to do with this.

it works, it worked before but problem is updating schema to new version.

I really dont remember where i started but moving it from ubuntu 20.04 mysql 8.0

just trying to do php ./update.php --update-schema but it simply reset every table.

Provide the output from running that command against a newly-restored DB (not one that’s been reset). Are you using the latest tt-rss code or whatever was in place on the old system?

[17:43:58] Lock: update.lock
[17:43:58] Type ‘yes’ to continue.
[17:44:00] Loading base database schema…
[17:44:11] Migration finished, current version: 147

No old one is, not latest code as well, should i try updating old one first and then moving it?

Does the ttrss_version table exist before you run that command? If yes, provide the table definition and its contents.

yes it exist and showing 147 as schema_version

I did reimport db inorder to see this (because it was reset) and for some reason everything is working now.