Looks like mysql in tt-rss is over (UPD: or is it?)

so it seems that mysql support lives on, for the time being

Very much appreciated. Thanks. I’m one of those non-docker people with shared hosting (that came with some email account). I usually don’t update stuff on my shared hosting very often, preferably not unless it’s broken or I get news of some security related update. I barely find the time for the minimum maintenance that I know I should do.
So I’m delighted that ttrss still works the way it does. And when it doesn’t anymore I’ll probably have to use one of those :poop: commerical services. I guess that’s just how it is when you’re an old fart. :older_man:
Just wanted to say thanks, fox.

it’s not very clear from the ttrss-data-migration docs, are users and their settings exported/imported?

Articles; either all or starred. You specify the user on export, then on import.