Increase the font using CSS

Hello, friends!
Please tell me how to increase the font using CSS?

Go to Preferences, look for Theme, press Customize, and enter the CSS you want.

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It’s obvious ))
I mean what exactly to enter in this field.

For example, there is a code.

* These are the default settings for feedly.css */
:root {
  --base-spacing: 30px; /* works best with a value between 30px and 75px */
  --font-size-post: 16px;
  --fonts-ui: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, "Liberation Sans",
    "Nimbus Sans L", FreeSans, sans-serif;
  --fonts-content: var(--fonts-ui);
  --fonts-heading: SansCn;
  --fonts-mono: "Fira Code", Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Lucida Console",
    "Liberation Mono", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono",
    "Courier New", monospace;
  --reading-width: 45; /* use a unitless `em` value */
  --card-max-column-count: 10;
  --card-min-column-width: 300px;

What needs to be changed or added in it to increase the font of the headings or in the left panel?

If you want an answer to that please visit a site where they teach CSS. This forum is about Tiny Tiny RSS, this is not a general support forum.

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So say you don’t know.
Why write if you can’t help?

You asked how to increase the font, I told you where you could do that. Again, we are not a general support forum. If you want to learn CSS, go to a site where they teach you that, or learn how to use Google.

Okay, enjoy your 3 months suspension.

Thank you for your hard work!
Please unblock my IP, 3 months have already passed.

Please unblock my IP
I can’t log in without using a VPN

We are currently not blocking your IP address nor did we ever.

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