Inconsistency for label IDs?

Hello, implementing labels to RSS Guard.

I read this in API docs:

getLabels → Returned id is an internal database id of the label, you can convert it to the valid feed id like this:

feed_id = -11 - label_id

My TT-RSS instance returns “-1026” as output of “getLabels”. When I do the math, my resulting “feed/label ID” is “1015”. But that is probably wrong because the docs in other place for “getHeadlines” state:

Special feed IDs are as follows:

-1 starred
-2 published
-3 fresh
-4 all articles
0 - archived
IDs < -10 labels

So where is the truth? Should I convert IDs obtained via “getLabels” or not?

It seems that DOCS are wrong. No “-11” math is probably needed. Label IDs outputted by “getLabels” seems to work with other API methods just fine.

Pls, fix documentation.

have you tried paying more attention when reading?

Before version:1.7.5

Returned id is an internal database id

Oh, yes. See it now, Thank you.