Improve custom CSS window

Using the feature quite a lot these days, testing my changes involves saving the changes. It closes the window, thus losing focus from line I am editing.
Adding an “Apply” button would make this task much easier. Would it be possible?
Maybe: OK, Apply, Cancel

Also, the popup window size is very small, lot of scrolling currently. I read that resizable window is not easy to do. Maybe increase the window size when opening, if the screen/parent window size is much bigger? Or a simple button to have an almost full size window for serious editing?
In combination with the Apply button, it would be a huge improvement in using the Custom Css feature!

Maybe you can better use the Inspect window in Chrome or whatever browser you’re using to test your CSS changes, and then apply the change just once…

an apply button is not a bad idea but this feature is mostly for quick css hacks. there are many overbloated browser addons for user css editing with built-in visual stuff, realtime preview, etc. you could use one of those.

for example Stylus - Интернет-магазин Chrome

What I would do is a simple plugin that injects CSS in there. Then I would leave my code editor open on one side and TT-RSS on the other. It would be faster, provide syntax highlighting, etc., etc. When you’re happy with the results, you can past your code into the custom CSS window to save it.

Thanks for the suggestions! I basically use a mix of some of those already.
The Inspect stuff from Chrome is cool but doesn’t always work, like in places where TTRSS provides a context menu (e.g. feed list and article title). Need to find some neighbour element and go from there. Any ideas on that? But I could manage so far so it’s ok.

The apply button would be really cool, I think it’s also basically a non-intrusive change. Thanks in advance.

I’m now imagining the custom css window that can be opened from the main screen (feeds/articles) and which has the suggestions and live preview like these browser plugins. hehhehe probably overshooting here just a little :slight_smile:

i’ve added the apply button:

i’d really like to see a better editor control there but last time i couldn’t find any easily embeddable lightweight code editors which supported CSS and weren’t really huge.

Cool. I like the different button colors. Thanks