I wrote a plugin, how do I publish it?

The wiki still points at empty pages: (Tiny Tiny RSS – Plugins) → Extra plugins → Complete list is available here.
Also no documentation on how to write a new plugin.
I finally managed to write one and sent it to Github: GitHub - migdal-or/Mgik_Replace,
and I wanted to include it in first-party, but how can I do that?

Besides, can anyone help me with this particular feed mentioned on Github?
Replacement works fine, but why does this problem occur?


Wow. Hmmm…

  1. this is not a first-party plugin (which are developed and maintained mainly by @fox . It’s like “tt-rss supported plugins” or “premium” if you want. Others are developed by the community. So → third-part plugin.
  2. It’s OK to announce your plugin here ; its goal, solved bugs, etc. This thread is appropriate.
  3. I see you are new in PHP coding? Did you know it exist a urldecode function that do the decoding of   or other URL entities ?

Maybe you should inform the owner of the website to fix his bug?

Kind regards,

P.S: I don’t know if there is no documentation, as you allegiate, but there is an example plugin in the repository. Like a blank pattern to build plugins.

@fox : the @raopheefah’ post highlights the broken link under “Complete list is available here”. I don’t know if it is important to fix.

sure, i’ll make a note to fix this when i have some time. :+1:

1-2. Thank you for clarification!
Third-party plugin, fine, but is there any way to make it available for download from inside tt-rss?

  1. I am completely new to PHP. I thought there would be some urldecode, but even now I do not understand how comes that:
  • the XML RSS file what I wget from source contains link like http :// domain … /path/8dbf8663-4342-4b1c-8c2b-ead67d9a46b1
  • TT-RSS converts it to http:// domain/http://domain and some trash.

What is wrong with this feed? Debugger did not reveal any errors for me.
So I discovered that plaintext replace does the deal, and I think that’s correct.
I think that pure urldecode would result in double http clause.

As I communicate with this election committee for 11 years, I see that informing them of a bug would most probably result in nothing, and can also shut down the feed completely. Neither of these is what I would like to achieve.

but is there any way to make it available for download from inside tt-rss

Nope, additional plugins are to be included by the instance admin i.e. you. App store style distribution come with a boatload of issues for the developers: Security, trust, quality, bandwidth ect. For a project like this it’s hardly going to be worth the hassle.