I have to share this with you guys

recently google put my personal domain into safe browsing blacklist:

today i remembered search console exists, went there, and boy what a fucking lol:

aforementioned crx.php is an entrypoint to my system for self-hosting (mostly my own, and a few forks of) web browser addons for chrome-based browsers outside of their incredibly shitty and poorly-moderated addon store. this leverages GPO on windows and similar knobs on other platforms.

well, naturally, any kind of freedom and american megacorps mix about as well as water and oil, so something or someone over there got triggered and decided to blacklist (oh oops, should i say denylist? my bad) my website entirely.

all web browsers i’m aware of have google safe browsing enabled by default.

anyone who reads this should, in my opinion, think about the implications of this.

This happened to my instance of TTRSS too. I had to file a report where I said I wanted to know how my personal rss aggregation system (which I only setup cause they shut down Reader) is somehow a threat and to whom cause I’m the only one who uses it…

Yup, “freedom” has now been replaced with SAFETY!!!1111… It’s for our own “good”, don’t you know? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

\gif Will Someone Think Of The Children!!!

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Fakecake opens just fine here in Safari, without Google’s warning. The animation (the red sky) eats 25% of the CPU, however. Only 5% in Edge.

ah, safari might be the only browser without nanny google enabled by default. I always forget it exists. :slight_smile:

Unbelievable. It seems Firefox for Android doesn’t even have an option to disable Safe Browsing.

Well, you could disable it from about:config, but about:config doesn’t work on stable (it works on beta and nightly only).

BTW, fakecake is working now, did it get unblocked?

i’m sure at some point they won’t allow us outside the walled garden on PCs much like they try to on mobile right now.

the issue is still there in google console. :man_shrugging:

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I had the same, which as ttrss is behind a reverse proxy with other hosts, “spread” to them as well, after an initial “review” which worked, it came back again yesterday…

you know that old saying about people who trade freedom for safety?

By the way this is the exact issue I was facing and changing the redirect has solved it for me How to change the redirect to /tt-rss/ from 302 to 301 - #11 by fox