I am looking for public TT-RSS instance to perform RSS Guard TT-RSS plugin testing

Hello guys.
I am developer of oss/free/libre application RSS Guard (feed reader) which does support TT-RSS via “plugin”. I am expanding RSS Guard’s core functionality with labels/tags which I plan to support in TT-RSS plugin too.

I am having some difficulties with setting up a private TT-RSS instance. Is there anyone with public TT-RSS instance which runs 24/7 and would provide an account with enabled API for me for free? The account would be used just for testing as I do not use TT-RSS for my personal purposes.

Thanks for any help.

Feel free to contact me for an extended trial account for your testing.

OK, I will once it will be really needed, thank you, my brother.

For the time being I setup VirtualBox with TT-RSS/bitnami image, maybe it will be enough.