HOWTO: auth_oidc config for keycloak


if you want to connect with auth_oidc to a keycloak server, the TTRSS_AUTH_OIDC_URL needs to be set to the base of the realm: “TTRSS_AUTH_OIDC_URL=https://your.keycloak.server.tld/realms/YourRealm”. The plugin itself (resp. the middleware used by it) will then query the /.well-known/openid-configuration endpoint (= https://your.keycloak.server.tld/realms/YourRealm/.well-known/openid-configuration).

IMHO at least the info about the .well-known part should be added to the readme of the auth_oidc plugin.


updating the Readme is a good idea

p.s. tbh i’m not sure why would you even try full .well-known URL, readme already has authelia example which has nothing of the sort.