How to change button order in article block

I use the Notes and Readability plugins. How can I change the order of their respective buttons at the bottom of the article content?

TLDR: not right now unless you want to screw around with float : right etc.

it looks like plugin button container (at least .right, dunno about others) is not a flexbox so it would be hard to implement properly.

if it was, you could match on something unique those buttons have (idk onclick? is it possible? it is an attribute) and set order accordingly.

if they don’t have anything properly targetable i could add some kind of data-something attribute to them so they would be.

this however would require reworking containers into flexboxes which could bring unexpected layout changes. :thinking:

OK. It’s interesting because on the demo site, the Notes button comes first before the Readability button. But on my site, the opposite.

I’ll play with it when I have more time. In the meanwhile, I’ll just disable Notes.

I figured it out. The Notes plugin is enabled in config.php, so its button comes before Readability which is enabled in Preferences.

you should be able to do things like

.right *[data-plugin-name="Af_Readability"] {
    order : 5;