How to automatically update the list of articles

How to automatically update the list of articles on a web page? Maybe there is a plugin or some hack?

There is. It is called reading the documentation. Please do that and all will become clear.

It’s on the wiki:

Update deamon working fine and put new articles in database. I search way to update webpage. I need automatically update webpage. Like when you choose some ordering or click on new articles and webpage load new strings(articles) .

You mean auto refresh? That should happen without you needing to do anything.

Yes, i mean auto refresh. That not should happend in my case. So I am here and looking for a solution.

o_O What?… You could disable auto-refresh in your browser and manually reload the page but why would you want to do such a thing?

I’ll try to explain. I am loading a page at http://localhost/tt-rss. The entire list of articles for the current moment is displayed. If you don’t touch the page and watch it, then I want new articles (lines) to appear themselves without any page refresh. Now I see that the article counter on the left side of the screen is changing, for example - all articles (785), but new articles are not added to the list of articles. I want the list of articles to be updated and loaded by itself.


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no, what you need is not going to happen. imagine reading something and woops the UI auto refreshed and what you were reading is no longer there. that would be annoying, to me.

It annoys me to expand articles. But I can go into the settings and disable this option. So…

Workaround for what I think you want: K-J (or the reverse order, depending on where you are in the tree on the left,) or simply re-select the item in the tree if you want to use your mouse.

Dynamically updating the list of articles is likely to remove the one you’re currently reading (and those read since you initially listed them) if you have ‘show unread’ selected.

That would be annoying, especially if you intend to go back to recently read articles while reading others in the list.

I usually just type fr to update the article list.