"Go to next unread feed after mark all items as read" option

Hello all,

I am a new user of ttrss, previously using feedly, and I am looking for a feature to read my articles the same way I was doing it in feedly.
When I am reading my feed articles, I do it feed by feed, and I am looking for a way to mark all feeds articles as Read and then open the next feed containing unread articles. A little bit like the option “Go back after mark all items as read” of Android Mobileapp, but rather “Go to next unread feed after mark all items as read”.

Could you confirm that there is currently no way to achieve that ?
Thanks for you work, it is a chance to have a great free rss software like tt-rss !


In Preferences, go to the first tab (Preferences) and select the second accordion section (also named Preferences). Look for an option name Automatically show next feed and enable (check) that. Then click the button at the bottom of the page to save your settings.

Thanks, it’s exactly what I need !
Any chance to found this feature in tt-rss-reader Android App ?

nope, don’t count on it.

Ok :disappointed:, thank you for thz quick feed back !