(forcing?) PHP update for 8.3.6 release

Given the PHP security advisories/releases that have just happened, e.g. php.announce: [ANNOUNCE] PHP 8.3.6 Released are we just waiting for @fox to update the provided images to get a newer PHP, or is there a way to force it ?

I already tried docker compose up -d --build --force-recreate app but it’s still on PHP 8.3.2 after that.

No, I don’t have any idea if the cited CVEs could possibly affect ttrss.

unless you’re using old style compose this won’t rebuild any images, 8.3.6 seems to already be in alpine: Alpine Linux packages - so php update should happen next time image is updated or rebuilt for any reason, i think.

haven’t checked the cves so no idea here.



ae5e7568 image

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Indeed, having done a git pull as part of my update script I can see my ‘app’ container now has 8.3.6.