Feature proposal: Link to commits page

Hello everyone,

When there are errors in the log, the UI gets the small yellow exclamation mark icon which links to the log-viewer page.

When there are either updates to TT-RSS or installed plugins the UI shows the green icon with an exclamation mark but this contains no link.

It would be nice if that icon would link to the commits page in the git repository, so that the user can review what changed.

Unfortunately I am absolutely incapable of programming or even locating the correct section of the source code, so that I cannot provide the code necessary for my idea.

If that functionality idea does not seem to be useful, this post can just be ignored.

it’s not a bad idea but green icon can only indicate plugin updates, it would be confusing if you clicked on it and it opened git.tt-rss.org.

as for the warning icon, it’s not like there’s a direct relation between new commits and new bugs. :slight_smile: