Errors when opening article on actual version

Hi. I fetched lastest code from git repo, and now I constantly get folowing errors when trying to open an article:
TypeError: enclosures.entries is undefined
//… message truncated, forum doesn’t allow me to post many links
Remote IP:
Request URI: /rss/backend.php

Should I update something else, or there are any ways to fix it? Thanks.

Small update: In my case it seems that error was intoduced in commit 82adb01. I tried to reset to 916c21f and everything works as before

this array is always returned though. try logging in safe mode to make sure it’s not a plugin problem, also check for any errors in tt-rss event log (in preferences).

you have decided to not post anything about your instance so i can’t help you any further.

Thanks for reply. I tried safe mode - this error is still reproduced. Event log contains only errors like in first post, when trying to open an article. What kind of instance information might be useful for you to debug this?

there’s a template that gets shown when you make a thread in support category.

in general, you want someone else (i.e. me) reproduce this problem. evidently “click on a thing and error pops out” isn’t enough.

e: try doing viewfeed debug (hotkeys f G) and look for stuff like this in the json:


e: also

OK, it seems that I missed something when was posting this. My configuration is:
OS: CentOS, kernel 3.10.0
PHP 7.4.15 Zend Engine v3.4.0
nginx 1.18.0
MariaDB 5.5.68

I tried to find the string you provided, but there are no such with similar signature. All “enclisures” I have contain html, like this:
,“enclosures”:"<div class=“attachments” dojoType=“fox.form.DropDownButton”>…

Some more information, that might be of any use:

  • I use 3-panel config (i.e. I do not use combined mode)
  • af_readability is on (this can be related to inlined articles)

how do you update tt-rss? i think your backend (.php files) are desynced from frontend (.js files).

git reset --hard etc

Before posting my error I reinstalled tt-rss by fetching repo from scratch, just to be sure :slight_smile:

this html is no longer returned anywhere in master so i’m not sure what to tell you.

debian-vm:tt-rss ((916c21fe6...)):$ egrep -ri 'class=.*attachments' classes/
classes/article.php:                    $rv .= "<div class=\"attachments\" dojoType=\"fox.form.DropDownButton\">".
debian-vm:tt-rss ((916c21fe6...)):$ git co master
Previous HEAD position was 916c21fe6 Merge pull request 'Lazy load image attachments' (#2) from verifiedjoseph/tt-rss:lazy-load-image-attachments into master
Switched to branch 'master'
debian-vm:tt-rss (master):$ egrep -ri 'class=.*attachments' classes/
debian-vm:tt-rss (master):


a plugin, maybe? i dunno.

Thanks for the clue, it seems that some caching was involved, I purged all caches on server-side I was able to reach, and it seems to be working now.