Error with nghttp2 >= 14.1.49

This is a bug report without the need of help, but just as a “warning”. I’m not using Docker, so I had to make the support myself (no worry, it’s my decision).

Anyway, for those using distribution that updated nghttp2 to version >= 14.1.49 (like Debian/testing), cURL will fails on a lot of websites with ; 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1).
This is caused by a bug on those websites, that returns an HTTP header with value ending with white spaces. See `curl` not functioning properly after updating to `libnghttp2` 1.49.0 · Issue #1786 · nghttp2/nghttp2 · GitHub for developer explanation.

And, if the Docker compose is about to be upgraded to nghttp2 >= 14.1.49, then you should postpone your decision, or implement a workaround to force cURL to use HTTP/1.1, which is far from ideal.