Encrypted postgresql connection options

Hi everybody,

maybe it’s a sort of special problem. I’m running my ttrss instance in my kubernetes cluster.
It’s running realy good. But now I want to shift the database to a operator managed postgresql.
The postgres operator only allows encrypted connections. It seams like the current container has a problem with that:

<pre>Exception while creating PDO object:SQLSTATE[08006] [7] connection to server at "psql", port 5432 failed: could not open certificate file "/root/.postgresql/postgresql.crt": Permission denied
connection to server at "psql", port 5432 failed: FATAL:  pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "ttrss", user "ttrss", database "ttrss", no encryption</pre>

It would be great to have the config option to configure the sslmode of the postgres connection.

you can make your own containers, potentially even using official ones as a base image.

dragging every niche thing into official setup is not going to happen.


p.s. dragging databases into k8s sure is something, even compared to tt-rss…

Thanks for the reply.

Sadly it’s not about building the container, the problem is that ttrss has no config option to set the sslmode for a postgres database.
It would be very helpful if there would be an option to add such database parameters, maybe not only limited to sslmode, in some cases there is also a need to change the schema or other connection options.

BTW: Running databases on k8s is not uncommon and if done right a real cool thing.

i’m not sure how a configuration option would help with the permission denied problem you are having.

i’m gonna show this post to our DBA just to see him cringe.