Dropping weblate

I’ve looked at the git commit log and last activity related to weblate (i.e. translation branch merge) happened on December 28, 2022. I’m not going to continue running an incredibly bloated django application just because someone might want to contribute to tt-rss translations once a year, maybe.

Therefore, weblate is no more.


Q: I want to contribute a translation!
A: Well, you’ll have to figure out gettext. Good luck.

It’s maybe a silly question: do you ever considered using hosted.weblate.org? It accepts open source project freely, but I don’t know if it integrates well with a self-hosted forge.

nope, wasn’t aware of this at all. :thinking: this could work i guess.

It all starts from Sign in @ Hosted Weblate

Some conditions are required, including approval from… er… I don’t know, maybe the lead dev.
No SLA guaranteed of course.
I think you have to sign in and create the project yourself. If you don’t want to spend time on this, I can try.

sure, what would be cool if you do it. you have my approval. :slight_smile:

one problem is that tt-rss gitlab is not available over ssh so we’ll have to use https.

there’s this service account but some tinkering would be required.

OK, for now, I only created the project (TinyTinyRSS @ Hosted Weblate), but when trying to create the component, it displays the following error:

After a small search, it seems that es_LA was for “Latin America”, but this is non standard, and Weblate added it as an alias of “es” 2 years ago in Add es_la alias · WeblateOrg/language-data@cf3c714 · GitHub

Files are clearly different, and… I don’t know what to do :frowning:

try using this branch instead - https://gitlab.tt-rss.org/tt-rss/tt-rss/-/commits/weblate-integration - i’ve renamed es_ES to es and dropped es_LA (we’ll figure out what to do here later).

note to self - update CI so that it doesn’t try to build images off unprotected branches.

Here you are: TinyTinyRSS/webui @ Hosted Weblate

I currently locked translation, to avoid an issue before going live.
No push URL is defined. As far as I understand, Hosted Weblate is configured with user for gitlab.com, but it’s not possible to use a self-hosted GitLab API. However, SSH keys are published on Weblate keys @ Hosted Weblate so it’s possible to add an SSH key for a special user on your GitLab.

By the way, do you want automatic MO generation by Weblate?

direct push ssh access to tt-rss gitlab is not gonna work because it’s behind cloudflare. :thinking:



For push, let’s see if Libre Hosting is validated. And wait until then to have a solution.

i vaguely remember that you can add weblate internal git repo as a git remote.

e.g. Frequently Asked Questions - Weblate 5.5 documentation

if this works then i could periodically pull weblate and push to gitlab.

$ git remote add weblate https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/tt-rss/webui/
$ git fetch weblate
warning: redirecting to https://hosted.weblate.org/git/tt-rss/webui/
From https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/tt-rss/webui
 * [new branch]          master              -> weblate/master
 * [new branch]          weblate-integration -> weblate/weblate-integration

alright then

@Glandos i just got an email from them that our trial period is about to expire. i guess tt-rss is not libre enough. :slight_smile: