Dim images in night theme: yay or nay?

something like this (without media query obviously):

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    img, video {
        transition : filter 0.25s linear;

    img:not(:hover), video:not(:hover) {
        filter: saturate(0.9) brightness(0.8);


I do this already with custom CSS. (I don’t modify saturate, I just lower brightness to 80%.)

i stole saturation from a night mode extension (Midnight Lizard).


Aye from me.


I signed up just to say ‘Nay’. Please make it an option (or if it already is maybe I’m missing it).

For now I went ghetto and copied an older pre-dimming commit of the night .less/.css files to the themes folder.

you can easily disable it with user css (in preferences):

img, video { filter : none ! important; }

i’ve removed on-hover undimming but if someone liked it, it can be enabled back in a similar fashion:

img:hover, video:hover { filter : none ! important; }

I also would say nay, or at least make a built in option to disable.
I doubt I’m the only user using night theme in daylight.