Deleting lots of starred/published articles

So, I’m not sure how this happened, but I’ve got a lot of old articles from a comic (oglaf), something like 1000, that are starred, I don’t believe I’ve been accidentally doing this, and I don’t have any filters that say they’d do it…

Regardless, the question is more along the lines of "how can I unstar all of them without laboriously clicking on all them one at a time?

Also have a bunch that say they’re published, and I also don’t believe I did that intentionally.
Running postgres, current (as of a couple hours ago) git.

  • through the UI: open oglaf, set view mode starred, select all (a a) toggle starred (s), refresh (f r) - probably easier in three panel mode
  • either that or through psql client directly

something like

delete from ttrss_user_entries where feed_id = oglaf_feed_id and marked = true

e: probably better to update ... set marked = false instead of delete though

Thanks, I didn’t know which flags to look for, I’ve been looking, but don’t like to go deleting things unless I know what it’s connected to :smiley:
" No, no, no, don’t tug on that. You never know what it might be attached to." – Buckaroo Banzai

Got it update, thank you sir.