Custom theme css files 404

[X] I’m using docker compose setup, with modifications

The official themes work fine, but when I select a custom theme the it doesn’t load and the css file shows 404 not found.

I read the FAQ entry about missing CSS and the linked threads, but haven’t found the solution yet.

Inside the themes.local directory are just css files: feedly_auto.css feedly.css feedly_night.css feedly-sepia_auto.css feedly-sepia.css feedly-sepia_night.css feedmei+.css feedmei.css feedmei+_night.css feedmei_night.css and two directories, feedly & feedmei which contain only .woff font files. I also checked for hidden files, and made sure the permissions and ownership were the same as the other themes.

From this thread: 404 requesting custom theme css - #5 by evildarkarchon - Support - Tiny Tiny RSS: Community I also tried the command in the last comment - run docker exec -it container name ls /var/www/html/tt-rss/themes.local which shows both folders and all the css files.

I am mainly using Firefox but I’ve tried Chromium with the same result. I checked my nginx config for Content-Security-Policy but I didn’t see it anywhere.

  • Tiny Tiny RSS version (including git commit id):


  • Platform (i.e. Linux distro, Docker, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions:

Debian 11 Bullseye, docker containers via

placing files into _data/tt-rss/themes.local on the app tt-rss docker volume (normally a directory under /var/lib/docker/volumes should just work, there’s no need to do anything else. that’s assuming default compose file off is used.

if you get a 404 you’ll need to figure out where it’s coming from - tt-rss nginx frontend, your reverse proxy, something else, and why it happens. either the proxy is misconfigured somehow or you misplaced the files. check the logs.

Originally I had placed the themes in /opt/tt-rss/tt-rss/themes.local

When I did that, the themes showed up in Preferences, but were 404 on the page. Then I moved them to /var/lib/docker/volumes/ttrss-docker_app/_data/tt-rss/themes.local and they didn’t show up under Preferences. After copying them to both directories it seems to be working. There may still be some misconfiguration on my end, but at least it’s working for now.

Thanks for the help.