Config.d files being ignored?

Just tried upgrading to the latest version of the docker-compose deployment and now getting an error of “Please set SELF_URL_PATH to the correct value detected for your server:” despite having the following in a php file in config.d:

<?php define('_SKIP_SELF_URL_PATH_CHECKS', true) ?>

config.d is being mounted properly inside the container(s) and I can see see the custom file on the filesystem. Any ideas what I could do next to diagnose?


_SKIP_SELF_URL_PATH_CHECKS no longer does anything.

That would explain it. :slight_smile:

Then how do I reconcile my public SELF_URL_PATH hostname with the fact I am running behind a reverse proxy with localhost?

If I set it to localhost:8280, I then get errors about mixmatched protocols (because my reverse proxy presents https)

If those don’t help do some forum searching, as your question seems to come up daily.

Fixed. Apache config gaps (but usual disclaimer of it has been working for ages… ). THanks!