[closed] Problem with "Database schema update" to the latest version (146 to 145)

Latest image had some problem: Database schema needs update to the latest version (146 to 145).

Older to newer? It also does not work :frowning:

could you provide any less details? thanks.

p.s. try using an incognito browser window, in case something got stuck in your logged in session.

if that doesnā€™t help, restart your compose setup.

Thanks for the quick reply. I thought that the hint ā€œUpgrade from 146 to 145ā€ is already enough that there is something wrong.

All images are up to date. Containers were all stopped once and started again. Private browser session used. Problem still exists.

if this problem was inherent to the image (iā€™m going to assume docker hub one, because youā€™re still not providing any details whatsoever) it would also break tt-rss demo instance, which seems to be working properly.

sadly, divination is not on my skillset, so i canā€™t really help you any further.

Okay, new try:

  • The database schema was upgraded (schema_version is 146 and i see the single change from 146.sql)
  • The classes/config.php hat still const SCHEMA_VERSION = 145;
  • My docker-compose.yml:
    image: cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: ttrss-app
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true"
      - .env
      - ./data/app:/var/www/html
      - db
      - internal
  • Docker logs:
Attaching to ttrss-fullfeeder, ttrss-web, ttrss-updater, ttrss-app, ttrss-db
ttrss-app     | ttrss-db:5432 - accepting connections
ttrss-app     | WARNING: ca-certificates.crt does not contain exactly one certificate or CRL: skipping
ttrss-app     | updating all local plugins...
ttrss-app     | updating /var/www/html/tt-rss/plugins.local/nginx_xaccel...
ttrss-app     | From https://git.tt-rss.org/fox/ttrss-nginx-xaccel
ttrss-app     |  * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
ttrss-app     | Already up to date.
ttrss-app     | NOTICE:  extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping
ttrss-app     | [12:46:44/56] Lock: update.lock
ttrss-app     | [12:46:44/56] Database schema is already at latest version.
ttrss-app     | [21-Dec-2021 12:46:44] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 1
ttrss-app     | [21-Dec-2021 12:46:44] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
ttrss-updater | ttrss-db:5432 - accepting connections
ttrss-updater | Schema version is wrong, please upgrade the database.
ttrss-updater | uid=1000(app) gid=1000(app) groups=1000(app),1000(app)


homepc:~:$ docker pull cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static
97518928ae5f: Already exists
79256e304fce: Pull complete
0b44047ab0bd: Pull complete
20e435951ea1: Pull complete
e0d3d26ef285: Pull complete
39bc08254793: Pull complete
7825a1314a2d: Pull complete
0c516326aa0a: Pull complete
fba8e99e8392: Pull complete
4c248ac97c8f: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:aa7b4c5edf175898f3f6a5ded4ffc08f2e0aabbe715cc17ae6f8a62f33b784dc
Status: Downloaded newer image for cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static:latest
homepc:~:$ docker run -it cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static grep 'const SCHEMA_VERSION' /src/tt-rss/classes/config.php
        const SCHEMA_VERSION = 146;

youā€™re using a local directory instead of a storage volume. my uneducated guess would be a PEBKAC problem of some kind, i.e. you screwed up file permissions somehow.

p.s. this is almost the point where iā€™m probating you until 2030 for wasting my time.

Why are you so unpleasant?

Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t provide more information at the beginning, but I was sure I found a bug because the schema updater says it would downgrade (146 ā†’ 145).

UID und GID are set correct. via OWNER_UID and OWNER_GID.

In the meantime I found the problem. I run TTRSS since 2 years with mapping the app to /var/www/html/tt-rss/ which brokes a few weeks ago and i fixed now correctly.

thatā€™s my shtick. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

the takeaway here is that forcing docker on people is not enough, even with containers they would still find creative ways to break things for themselves, and then come here and blame my impeccable docker images.


Is there a official supported way to remove the /tt-rss from the url? myreader.mydomain.tld/tt-rss/index.php ā†’ myreader.mydomain.tld/index.php

First this:

And then this:

I guess you are just begging to get an indefinite probation! Search the forum before askingā€¦

see you in another 10 months.

worse, thatā€™s literally in the FAQ.