Catch-All Feed?

I want to subscribe to the Microsoft Tech Community Blogs RSS feed at

Now my issue is that there are currently 174 blogs contributing to this feed. This gets overwhelming very quick.

I am most interested in only a hand of blogs, so I could just subscribe to the blogs I am interested in e.g.,

Microsoft Tech Community - Latest Blogs -**

Then again, I don’t want to miss out on other articles that may pique my interest. So I could just add all blogs and use categories to sort the feeds into interesting and less interesting.

But here is the catch. I also want to subscribe to new blogs without having to manually keeping track of it. So my idea is this:

  1. I subscribe to the specific blogs that I am most interested in.

  2. I subscribe to the main feed without board= filter so that anything that was not published in a specific feed is still added to my RSS reader. Kind of like a catch-all email address.

Technically, I can set it up this way, but when I did so, the catch-all was preferred over the specific blogs, and every article can only exist once (which is how it should work). Is there a way to prioritise specific blogs over the catch-all? I also searched the DB schema and found that there is a parent_feed field in the ttrss_feeds table, but I haven’t found out what this is used for, but it kinda sounds like somethings that could help in my case.

You’ll want to look into the content filters, I use this for the NIST CVE feed. Tiny Tiny RSS – Filters Prefs → Filters tab

If you want to just hide articles from your fresh articles list but still have them in the feed list you can use the modify the score action and set it to -1

Thanks for your reply. I think you misread my question. The problem is an article can apparently only belong to one feed.

I have several feeds, let’s call them A-feeds. But then I have one more feed (B-feed) that is kind of a catch-all. The B-feed unfortunately contains not only articles specific to the B-feed, but also includes all articles that are posted to any particular A-feed. These articles are identical, meaning that the XML-data of a feed posted to a particular A-feed is identical with the XML-data of the article that is also posted to the B-feed.

Now I want to make sure that TT-RSS prioritises the assignment of these articles to the A-feed, and not have them in the B-feed.

this is by design, article GUID is supposed to be globally unique. there are workaround for this which have been discussed here, mostly involving plugins which alter feed data.

i’m afraid this works on a first come, first served basis.

I agree, that this is the correct approach. Otherwise, you serve the user articles they did already read.

Assuming all feeds are on the default schedule, does the backen service fetch feeds in a predictive way? For example by retrieving all feeds and sorting them by title, or database ID? That way, I could work around that by editing the title or just setting the ID of the feed to 99999 or something.

it’s not random but not in the way that would help you any. mostly in depends on when it was last updated. the gist of it is you won’t be able to achieve this with tt-rss unless you write a custom plugin which does this somehow.

Ah, too bad. I was hoping to find a workaround that’s within my abilites :slight_smile: Thanks.