Cannot launch latest docker images on RPi 3B

I cannot launch the latest docker images on armhf (Raspberry Pi 3B), as they fail due to platform issues, eg:

image with reference cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static:latest was found but does not match the specified platform: wanted linux/arm/v7, actual: linux/amd64

4 of the 5 images fail with similar messages: app, backups, updater, web-nginx

  1. I tried forcing the platform by adding platform: linux/arm/v7 to each app in docker-compose.yml, which still throws the above error messages.

  2. I removed the containers to ensure fresh pulls via docker system prune -a and updated the git scripts via:

 * branch            static-dockerhub -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up to date.
  1. I double-checked that the requisite local docker packages are up-to-date. The OS is Raspbian bullseye. I can’t get commit id’s, sorry-

Maybe this is related to the updates yesterday at 2PM (UTC)? I don’t believe that I’ve used tt-rss since then.

i suggest checking the stickied thread.