Bug with non-standard port for OIDC

I am trying out https://gitlab.tt-rss.org/tt-rss/plugins/ttrss-auth-oidc and it is working almost perfectly so far, except for the fact that after logging with Authelia, I am redirected to the TTRSS URL without the port.

TTRSS URL: https://ttrss.example.com:4443/tt-rss
Redirected URL: https://ttrss.example.com/tt-rss
TTRSS_SELF_URL_PATH: https://ttrss.example.com:4443/tt-rss/

Authelia redirection URL config

          - "https://ttrss.example.com:4443/tt-rss"

Note that when I reach https://ttrss.example.com/tt-rss/?code=authelia_ac_blablabla, adding the port https://ttrss.example.com:4443/tt-rss/?code=authelia_ac_blablabla redirects me to TTRSS correctly and everything after that works well.

I think this is a bug from the TTRSS plugin because I don’t have this problem with another service, but if instead I made a configuration mistake I would love to know where :stuck_out_tongue:

i remember fixing a bug some time ago related to custom ports during login. :thinking:

could be something with the plugin but i don’t have a ready test environment for this so not sure when i’ll have time to look into this.

in general, as usual, i suggest not using custom ports. it’s a ghetto setup. there’s no need for it.