Automatic feed updates no longer fetching articles

  • [ ] I’m using stock docker compose setup, unmodified.
  • [x] I’m using docker compose setup, with modifications (modified .yml files, third party plugins/themes, etc.) - if so, describe your modifications in your post. Before reporting, see if your issue can be reproduced on the unmodified setup.
  • [ ] I’m not using docker on my primary instance, but my issue can be reproduced on the aforementioned docker setup and/or official demo.

For the past week+, automatic update of feeds has not been working. Here is what docker-compose logs looks like:

zzz-ttrss-updater-1    | [03:27:02/1096] Scheduled 50 feeds to update...
zzz-ttrss-updater-1    | [03:27:02/1096] Base feed:
zzz-ttrss-updater-1    | [03:27:02/1096] Base feed:
zzz-ttrss-updater-1    | [03:27:02/1096] Base feed:
zzz-ttrss-updater-1    | [03:27:02/1096] Base feed:

In contrast, when I update feeds manually via docker-compose exec --user app app php8 /var/www/html/tt-rss/update.php --feeds, all sorts of new articles are found:

[03:38:23/22381] Base feed:
[03:38:23/22381] => Detroit Free Press (ID: 6, U: ben [2]), last updated: 2022-06-28 02:29:28
[03:38:23/22388] Lock: update_daemon-feed-6.lock
[03:38:26/22381] <= 2.5639 (sec) exit code: 0
[03:38:26/22381] Base feed:
[03:38:26/22381] => Now See Hear! (ID: 280, U: ben [2]), last updated: 2022-06-28 02:29:30
[03:38:26/22399] Lock: update_daemon-feed-280.lock
[03:38:26/22381] <= 0.4361 (sec) exit code: 0
[03:38:26/22381] Base feed:
[03:38:26/22381] => Great Lakes Echo (ID: 22, U: ben [2]), last updated: 2022-06-28 02:29:42
[03:38:26/22402] Lock: update_daemon-feed-22.lock
[03:38:27/22381] <= 1.0452 (sec) exit code: 0
  • Tiny Tiny RSS version (including git commit id): v22.06-b148d2f
  • Platform (i.e. Linux distro, Docker, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions: Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88

These are my modifications from stock:

TTRSS_HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
# Use this server (hostname:port). Empty value disables plugin.
[email protected]
# Login/password for SMTP auth, if needed.
#Use secure connection. Allowed values: `ssl`, `tls`, or empty.
# Accept all SSL certificates, use with caution.
# Use custom CA certificate for SSL/TLS secure connections. Only used if TTRSS_SMTP_SKIP_CERT_CHECKS is false.


version: '3'

    image: cthulhoo/postgres-count-bits:12-latest

      - /mnt/user/backups/server-backups/ttrss:/backups

enabled plugins:

af_comics: Fixes RSS feeds of assorted comic strips
af_img_phash: Filter duplicate images using perceptual hashing (requires GD) * v22.05-11644a1, by fox
af_psql_trgm: Marks similar articles as read (requires pg_trgm) af_readability: Try to inline article content using Readability af_redditimgur: Inline images (and other content) in Reddit RSS feeds af_unburn: Resolves feedburner and similar feed redirector URLs (requires CURL) * v21.11-322d0ea, by fox
af_youtube_embed: Embed videos in Youtube RSS feeds (and whitelist Youtube iframes)
api_newsplus: API plugin for News+ * v1.10, by hrk
auth_internal: Authenticates against internal tt-rss database
auto_assign_labels: Assign labels automatically based on article title, content, and tags
bookmarklets: Easy feed subscription and web page sharing using bookmarklets 
cache_starred_images: Automatically cache media files in Starred articles
feediron: Reforge your feeds * v1.32, by m42e
feedprefs: Per feed preferences. * v19.05-8a0deee, by [email protected]
fever: Emulates the Fever API for Tiny Tiny RSS * v2.30, by DigitalDJ, mestrode & murphy, eric-pierce
mail: Share article via email * v22.01-6162961, by fox
mailer_smtp: Sends mail via SMTP using PHPMailer. Read README.txt before enabling. * v22.05-9e020e5, by fox
mailto: Share article via email (using mailto: links, invoking your mail client) * v22.01-547c434, by fox
nginx_xaccel: Sends static files via nginx X-Accel-Redirect header * v1.00, by fox
scored_oldest_first: Consider article score while sorting by oldest first * v21.05-db000df, by fox
search_button: Adds a toolbar button to open search dialog * v1.00, by fox
share: Share article by unique URL

so the feed is scheduled for update but nothing beyond that happens. i haven’t seen this before, not sure what to tell you tbh.

could be some kind of server problem which prevents updater PHP process from spawning. try deploying a new ttrss instance in a separate directory, see if that works properly.

you can also try reverting to previous images although i don’t recall anything updater-related changing recently.

i would also try disabling all global / user plugins (just move plugins.local somewhere temporarily).

e: if it works with updater invoked manually, the only difference is that there’s no forking involved. it points to some kind of server/docker problem, not anything related to actual php code, plugins or otherwise.

Hopefully these are not your real credentials.


i’ve edited both posts just in case. it’s likely too late though.

Post history still shows the details :see_no_evil:

there’s also rss feeds. oh well. at least we tried. :slight_smile: